Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) is a program that allows students, academic staff, and other higher education institution (HEI) personnel to undertake short-term mobility experiences outside the borders of the European Union (EU).
Unlike traditional Erasmus+ exchanges, which happen between countries participating in the Erasmus+ Programme, ICM facilitates exchanges between Programme Countries (mainly EU and associated countries) and Partner Countries from other regions around the world.
The program covers all study levels: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral.
International Credit Mobility has four different opportunities: student mobility for studies, traineeships, and staff mobility for teaching and training.
To participate in Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility students, academic staff, and administrative staff must meet certain requirements:
Students must be registered in a Higher Education Institution that is located in a Programme Country and holds an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.
ICM is available for students at the bachelor, master, or doctoral levels.
Undergraduate students must have completed their first year of higher education to be eligible for mobility.
The sending and receiving institutions must have an inter-institutional agreement under the Erasmus+ framework.
Participants might need to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction or the working language of the host institution.
Before departure students must sign a Learning Agreement, specifying the study activities they will complete abroad.
Teaching and non-teaching staff from Higher Education Institutions are eligible to apply. They can participate in teaching assignments or staff training activities at partner institutions.
Staff participants must develop a mobility plan, outlining the activities and goals during their exchange.
Before departure staff must sign a Mobility Agreement, specifying the work activities they will complete abroad.
Minimum duration: 3 months
Maximum duration: 12 months
Students can participate multiple times in Erasmus+ mobilities, as long as the total duration for each academic cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD) does not exceed 12 months.
This includes both study and traineeship periods.
Traineeships (internships) can also be completed under Erasmus+ for 2 to 12 months.
Staff Mobility for Teaching or Training
Minimum duration: 5 days
Maximum duration: 2 months
This period excludes travel time and focuses on professional development activities such as teaching assignments or training programs at a partner institution abroad.
Study fields
This programme doesn't have any restrictions regarding the study field.
The participants receive individual and travel support as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence related to their period of study or traineeship, teaching or training abroad. Additionally, there is provision for additional support for students facing fewer opportunities, with a top-up grant of 250 EUR per month. Eligibility for this top-up grant is determined by national criteria established by each National Agency.