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Amsterdam canals, The Netherlands
Credits: Andreea Barbu
Capital: Amsterdam
Population: 17,469,635
Language(s): Dutch
Currency: Euro (€/EUR)
Discover more

Learn how to participate in national and European Parliament elections while studying abroad as a citizen from Netherlands. Check out the table below for document requirements, registration procedures, and useful links.

  • Voting is not mandatory
  • Minimum age required to vote: 18

How can I vote from abroad?

by proxy

This voting mode is available.

  • Upfront registration required
  • Required documents:

    Proxy Appointment Form & Idenity document: fill out the form with your personal details, the details of your chosen proxy, and the specific election you want them to vote in. Sign and date the form and submit with a copy of a proof of identity. Proof of Identity for the Proxy: your chosen proxy will need to prove their identity at the polling station on election day. Proxy Appointment Confirmation: your proxy should bring the proxy confirmation to the polling station.

  • Digital request allowed


This voting mode is not available.

by post

This voting mode is available.

  • Upfront registration required
  • Required documents:
    • Copy of passport
    • Ballot and proof of voter status (mailed to you if you are registered for voting abroad)
  • Digital request allowed

from the embassy

This voting mode is not available.

European Parliament elections

Dutch citizens who are temporarily outside the Netherlands but still registered there, can vote by post or proxy in the European Parliament election.

  • Upfront registration required
  • Registration deadline:
  • Minimum age required to vote in the EU elections: 18

Cost of living

a room in a 3 bedrooms shared flat in the city centre 552€/month
a meal 15€
a cappuccino 2.91€

These are average costs of living for Netherlands. Costs can differ accross cities and locations. For more details, you can check numbeo website.


Rank Value
Rainbow Index 12 61.1

Rainbow Europe, 2021.

Check out Netherlands profile on

Rainbow Europe

Rainbow Europe by ILGA-Europe illustrates the legal and policy situation of LGBTI people in Europe. It ranks all 49 European countries on a scale between 0% (gross violations of human rights, discrimination) and 100% (respect of human rights, full equality), on the basis of laws and policies that have a direct impact on the LGBTI people’s human rights in under 6 categories: equality and non-discrimination; family; hate crime and hate speech; legal gender recognition and bodily integrity; civil society space; and asylum.


The is the European platform about inclusion and support services offered by higher education institutions, national agencies, and ministries for education to international students. In its current version, the platform aims to provide to students with disabilities all the information they need to study abroad.

Quality of life

Rank Value
Human Development Index 8 0.944
World Press Freedom Index 6 9.67

HDI, 2019.
WPFI, 2021.

Human Development Index

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country scores a higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the gross national income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher.

World Press Freedom Index

The World Press Freedom Index is an important advocacy tool based on the principle of emulation between states, published every year by Reporters Without Borders. It is a snapshot of the media freedom situation based on an evaluation of pluralism, independence of the media, quality of legislative framework and safety of journalists in each country.

ESN sections supporting international students

  • ESN The Hague
  • ESN Amsterdam
  • ESN Breda
  • ESN Delft
  • ESN Groningen
  • ESN INHolland Diemen
  • ESN INHolland Haarlem
  • ESN Inholland Rotterdam
  • ESN Leiden
  • ESN Maastricht
  • ESN Nijmegen
  • ESN Rotterdam
  • ESN Tilburg
  • ESN Twente
  • ESN Utrecht
  • ESN VU Amsterdam
  • ESN Wageningen
  • ESN Zwolle

Higher education institutions

  • Transnationale Universiteit Limburg (Maastricht)
  • Universiteit Maastricht (Maastricht)
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam)
  • Stichting Vu (Amsterdam)
  • Stichting Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam)
  • Hogeschool Ipabo (Amsterdam)
  • Stichting Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Amsterdam)
  • Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam)
  • Protestantse Theologische Universiteit (Kampen)
  • Theologische Universiteit van de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (Kampen)
  • Politieacademie (Apeldoorn)
  • Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Bv (Apeldoorn)
  • Stichting Hogeschool van Arnhem Ennijmegen Han (Arnhem)
  • Stichting Artez (Arnhem)
  • Stichting Avans (Tilburg)
  • Tilburg University- Universiteit van Tilburg (Tilburg)
  • Stichting Breda University of Applied Sciences (Breda)
  • Netherlands Business Academy Bv (Breda)
  • Universiteit Nyenrode Bv (Breukelen)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft (Delft)
  • Stichting Ihe Delft Institute For Water Education (Delft)
  • Stichting Aeres Groep (Ede Gld)
  • Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, Ede Christian University of Applied Sciences (Ede)
  • Stichting Fontys (Eindhoven)
  • Design Academy Eindhoven (Eindhoven)
  • Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Eindhoven)
  • Universiteit Twente (Enschede)
  • Stichting Saxion (Enschede)
  • Driestar Educatief (Gouda)
  • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Groningen)
  • Stichting Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Groningen)
  • Open Universiteit Nederland (Heerlen)
  • Stichting Zuyd Hogeschool (Heerlen)
  • Pedagogische Hogeschool 'De Kempel' (Helmond)
  • Stichting Nhl Stenden Hogeschool (Leeuwarden)
  • Universiteit Leiden (Leiden)
  • Stichting Hogeschool Leiden (Leiden)
  • Stichting University College Roosevelt (Middelburg)
  • Stichting Radboud Universiteit (Nijmegen)
  • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Rotterdam)
  • Stichting Hogeschool Rotterdam (Rotterdam)
  • Islamic University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam (Rotterdam)
  • Thomas More Hogeschool (Rotterdam)
  • Stichting Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Rotterdam)
  • Stichting Hogeschool der Kunsten den Haag (Den Haag | The Hague)
  • Stichting Hoger Beroepsonderwijs Haaglanden (Den Haag | The Hague)
  • Stichting Hotelschool den Haag (Den Haag | The Hague)
  • Stichting Hoger Onderwijs Nederland (Den Haag | The Hague)
  • Stichting Has Opleidingen (S Hertogenbosch)
  • Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht)
  • Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht (Utrecht)
  • Stichting Protestants Christelijk Hoger Beroepsonderwijs Utrecht, Marnix Academie (Utrecht)
  • Stichting Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (Utrecht)
  • Stichting Universiteit voor Humanistiek (Utrecht)
  • Tio Teach Bv (Utrecht)
  • Stichting Opleidingen Musculoskeletale Therapie (Amersfoort)
  • Stichting Opleidingen Musculoskeletale Therapie (Amersfoort)
  • Stichting van Hall Larenstein (Velp)
  • Stichting Hz University of Applied Sciences (Vlissingen)
  • Wageningen University (Wageningen)
  • Stichting Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim (Zwolle)
  • University of Applied Sciences Hogeschool Kpz (Zwolle)
  • Christian University of Applied Sciences Zwolle (Zwolle)
  • University of Curacao Dr Moises Da Costa Gomez (Willemstad)
  • Universiteit van Aruba (Oranjestad)
  • Thim van der Laan Bv (Nieuwegein)

Mobility opportunities

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