Travel green

Connecting popular Erasmus+ destinations through green travel
What is the connectivity potential linking Zurich, Prague and Porto to their top 5 destinations for student mobility? Find out by clicking on the cities (represented in blue dots) in the map below, based on the "Connectivity Reports" developed by the University of Zurich in the framework of the SET project. For further insights into the climate impact of these routes and also for Budapest, Istanbul, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Vienna, and Warsaw,... please refer to the Factsheets on Sustainable Student Mobility.
by train
by bus
by car
by plane
Travel times were calculated using Rome2rio for the randomly selected date of October 24, 2024, assuming travelers choose the fastest routes and direct flights. Times include real-time data, schedule estimates, and average transit times. For car travel, 30-minute breaks were added every 3 hours, with a 10-hour over-night break every 8.5 hours. For train and bus travel, it was assumed travelers sleep en route. The dotted route on the map does not represent the exact travel route.
Travelling by train or bus to your exchange destination in Europe thus
- reduces your climate impact compared to other transport modes,
- gives you a great opportunity to explore Europe, its natural and urban environments, people, and cultural diversity,
- enables you to make productive use of travel time, to reconnect with yourself and / or other people.
Here's also a selection of green guides from universities with tips (and more!) for a sustainable life on mobility:
- University of Zurich (CH)
- University of Edinburgh (UK)
- University of Turku - Abo (FI)
- KULeuven (BE)
- University of Lund (SE)
- Universidad Complutense (ES, in Spanish)
- University of Ghent (BE)
- Aarhus University (DK)
- Universiteit Twente (NL)
- University of Trento (IT)
- University of Liege (BE)
- University of Groningen (NL)
- Leiden University (NL)
- Berlin University of the Arts (DE)
- University of Budapest (HU)
- University of Bayreuth (DE)
- University of Comenius (SK)