Erasmus+ helps organise student and doctoral candidate exchanges within Erasmus+ Programme countries and to and from Partner countries. By studying abroad with Erasmus+, you can improve your communication, language and inter-cultural skills and gain soft skills highly valued by future employers.
Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc) abroad for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions in Programme countries at Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.

Global Talent (GTa) is one of the programs offered by AIESEC, which is an opportunity for young people to develop leadership qualities and progress in their careers while living a cross-cultural professional experience.

Vulcanus in Japan started in 1997. The programme consists of industrial placements for EU / COSME* students. It starts in September and ends in August of the following year in order to accommodate the academic year in EU Member States.

The Professional Exchange program is a full educational program offering clerkships to medical students abroad. Since the very beginning, in 1951, it was evident that exchange of medical students would be one of the main fields of action in IFMSA.

Fulbright Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 160 countries worldwide.

Fulbright Schuman awards scholarships to EU citizens to study, lecture or conduct research in the U.S. on the development of the EU, EU policies, or the U.S.-EU transatlantic agenda for a period between three months and one academic year.
Are you between 18 and 30 and looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond?
Erasmus+ offers the opportunity for providers of vocational education and training (VET) and other organisations active in the field of VET to organise learning mobility activities for VET learners and staff.
Erasmus Mundus is a joint initiative by the European Commission, offering a unique platform for students and scholars to engage in cross-cultural learning, foster international collaboration, and pursue advanced studies in various fields.
A multilateral University exchange program in the extended Danube region based on an international Agreement. The main activity of CEEPUS are networks of eligible universities of the CEEPUS member states operating joint programs.

Nordplus is an easily accessible exchange programme for different kinds of stakeholders in the field of education.
ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme has supported exchanges of professors and students in tertiary education field between Asia and Europe under ASEM domain. Current ASEM Partners are eligible for ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme.
Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ for higher education is called Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP. SEMP gives Swiss higher education institutions the possibility to support students as well as teaching and administrative staff doing a study-, training- or teaching-mobility with funding.
The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s global programme to study and work abroad.
The scheme will enable learners and staff, both from Wales and those who come to study or work in Wales, to continue to benefit from international exchanges in a similar way to the opportunities that flowed from Erasmus+, not just in Europe but also further afield.
Erasmus+ helps organise student and doctoral candidate exchanges within Erasmus+ Programme countries and to and from Partner countries, offering opportunities to Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD students.
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers at all stages of their career with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines.
Youth Exchanges are short-term experiences for groups of youngsters from at least two different countries that gather together to work on a topic of their interest, related to the EU priorities and Youth Goals, i.e., social inclusion, sustainability, promotion of health and physical and mental we

Today, the AUN is a network widely recognised as a vital mechanism for the build-up of an active and renowned ASEAN community in higher education.
The purpose of the Student Mobility Programme (Programa de Movilidad Estudiantil) is to offer the opportunity for international university students to undertake undergraduate or graduate studies at Universidad de Chile for one semester or one academic year and a similar opportunity to regular Uni
FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) is a program that started in 1993-1994 and was founded by former Senator Bill Bradley. The program was established with the goal of promoting peace and mutual understanding between the U.S. and countries in Eurasia by allowing young people to learn about the U.S.
The Academic Year in America (AYA) program is a cultural exchange initiative that offers high school students from around the world the opportunity to live with a host family in the United States and attend an American high school for an academic year or semester.
The NACMM – North Africa Cultural Mobility Map is a research and info platform about residency and mobility initiatives for artists, writers and researchers interested in travelling and developing projects from within North Africa.
Through the U.S. Department of State’s Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations live and study for an academic year in the United States.
The Seoul National University (SNU) Exchange Program allows students from partner universities to study at SNU for one or two semesters, transferring credits back to their home institutions.
The International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) is a global network of over 300 universities in 50 countries that offers students the chance to participate in immersive academic exchanges.
The Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant aims to enhance support for students and staff, as well as promote increased mobility among the Network’s institutions.
The Australian-European Network (AEN) and the Utrecht Network (UN) form a multi-lateral student exchange program that facilitates the educational exchange of undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students between the member Universities.

Workaway is a platform that allows members to arrange homestays and cultural exchange.
World Wide Organization of Organic Farms, is a network of national organizations that facilitate homestays on organic farms. WWOOF provides volunteers (often called "WWOOFers") with enough experience in organic and ecologically sound growing methods to help the organic movement.

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide.
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) is a program that allows students, academic staff, and other higher education institution (HEI) personnel to undertake short-term mobility experiences outside the borders of the European Union (EU).