AUN Network

Today, the AUN is a network widely recognised as a vital mechanism for the build-up of an active and renowned ASEAN community in higher education. Given such importance, the AUN was highly commended by the Meeting of Ministers for Education in ASEAN Countries for its achievements in upgrading the capacity of ASEAN human resources and enhancing the quality of education of the AUN member universities. This network provides exchange programmes for students in higher education institutions, undergraduate and graduate, coming from the member countries of AUN. For individuals, you should contact your university's International Office.
To participate you must:
Be an active student at any of the member universities during the application and the AIMS program.
Be eligible to undertake a study abroad program for at least one academic semester before finalizing the whole graduate program.
Major in a field existing at the host university.
Have a GPA of 3,5 and above (may change according to each university).
Present a valid English proficiency test certificate, at least TOEFL ITP, with a minimum score of 550.
Be nominated by the sending institution.
Both universities have to use the AUN-ACTS (ASEAN University Network - ASEAN Credits Transfer System) Students wanting to participate in exchange programs have to search for the application deadlines and instructions on the website of the hosting university.
There is a minimum of 1 academic semester.
Study fields
The possible study fields are those covered by the partner universities.
The funding for this programm can vary, some universities will provide accommodation and fee waiving.
This information is not available at the moment.